Wednesday, September 06, 2006


The vet visit went extremely well last night- everyone is healthy and the vet believes the kittens are probably close to 3 weeks old!

So, here they are...

This is Sass (ladies first!):

This is her brother Zack:

This is their brother Tiny (he's sleepy in this shot!):

This is Farley (also male):

Of course, the next one has to be Jake ('cause he's kind of Gold!):

And last but not least is Popcorn (male):

As you can tell, we're big Canadian Idol fans in our house! There was some argument among the kids that Tiny should really be "Tiny BEN" and that we should change Popcorn's name to "Craig". Oh well.

Given that we have 2 indoor cats at home (one senior cat, and one not yet finished her initial kitten vaccination series), I really wanted to be sure that Lily did not have feline leukemia or FIV. So, we got her tested last night and the FeLV/FIV blood test result was NEGATIVE! Fantastic news! This means that Lily doesn't have either virus and neither do the kittens.

Tonight we de-wormed everybody with "Interceptor", and gave the kittens a more shallow "bed" that they'll be able to start crawling out of soon to explore the world (well, at least the bedroom!).

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to post new pics of them about once a week. Hopefully, my photography skills will improve over time!

Carolyn, who has a whole new respect for pet photographers...

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